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Here two sets of work, "That feeling, Havana, 2016 y "Janiss Guilt” , Mexico City 2017. First one takes place in my old acting school in Havana and documents the process before and during a performance test of its students. I studied acting, I worked as an actress in film, television and theater years before I became a photographer.

For me, acting school is about exploring the possibility of assuming different characters and personalities, it’s about perfecting the art of engaging in someone else's emotions, dramas, and narratives in the same way that acting is about exaggerating those emotions/dramas/and narratives in a way so that it is recognizable by an audience. This process often distorts personalities and it can be very unsettling for the actor and psychically traumatic in many ways.

I was interested in creating an atmosphere between the fantastic and the grotesque to highlight them with a touch of "the special".

After this series, comes the 2nd part “Jani´s Guilt” (name created by joining the names of the two night clubs that I photographed that night). Here I wanted to distort the emotion of non-actors in their environment as a conventional space, because, like acting, they feel that they imitate a "normal" situation in life. In that way, I also wanted to comment on how distorted the inner emotional landscape can feel when in a public place.

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